Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo

Sak Yant - Traditional Thai Buddhist tattoo in Bangkok

Another kind of tattoo that one can obtain in Bangkok is a "Sak Yant" tattoo, or "Temple Tattoo"
in Soi Awn Nut 25 at "Wat Tong Nai Temple", ther is a "Ruesi" ( a kind of sage who practises Buddhist and Animist magic), called Ajarn Thoy Dabos. He recieves devotees every day (except for of Holy days) for Sak Yant tattoos and magick love charms, potions and miscellaneous parephernalia for aquiring love, riches, longevity and protection. A Sak Yant tattoo is basically a sacred "Yantra" - a geometrical design charged with ancient Buddhist prayers and magick spells

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